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Validity conditions

The validity conditions of a transaction define when a transaction object is valid. Nodes should check the validity of a transaction when they receive it either directly or through the p2p pool, and if they find it to be invalid, should drop it immediately and not broadcast it.

In addition to being well-formed, the transaction object needs to pass the following checks:

  • Proof is valid: The proof for the given public data should be valid according to a protocol-wide verification key for the final private kernel circuit.
  • No duplicate nullifiers: No nullifier in the transaction data should be already present in the nullifier tree.
  • No pending private function calls: The data private call stack should be empty.
  • Valid historic data: The tree roots in the block header of data must match the tree roots of a historical block in the chain.
  • Maximum block number not exceeded: The transaction must be included in a block with height no greater than the value specified in maxBlockNum within the transaction's data.
  • Preimages must match commitments in data: The expanded fields in the transaction object should match the commitments (hashes) to them in the public data.
    • The encryptedLogs should match the encryptedLogsHash and encryptedLogPreimagesLength in the transaction data.
    • The unencryptedLogs should match the unencryptedLogsHash and unencryptedLogPreimagesLength in the transaction data.
    • Each public call stack item in the transaction data should have a corresponding preimage in the enqueuedPublicFunctionCalls.
    • Each new contract data in transaction data should have a corresponding preimage in the newContracts.

Note that all checks but the last one are enforced by the base rollup circuit when the transaction is included in a block.