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Public Kernel Circuit - Tail

:::Danger The public kernel circuits are being redesigned to accommodate the latest AVM designs. This page is therefore highly likely to change significantly. :::


The tail circuit refrains from processing individual public function calls. Instead, it integrates the results of inner public kernel circuit and performs additional verification and processing necessary for generating the final public inputs.

Verification of the Previous Iteration

Verifying the previous kernel proof.

It verifies that the previous iteration was executed successfully with the given proof data, verification key, and public inputs, sourced from private_inputs.previous_kernel.

The preceding proof can only be:

Ensuring the previous iteration is the last.

The following must be empty to ensure all the public function calls are processed:

Processing Final Outputs

Siloing values.

This section follows the same process as outlined in the tail private kernel circuit.

Additionally, it silos the storage_slot of each non-empty item in the following arrays:

  • storage_reads
  • storage_writes

The siloed storage slot is computed as: hash(contract_address, storage_slot).

Verifying ordered arrays.

The iterations of the public kernel may yield values in an unordered state due to the serial nature of the kernel, which contrasts with the stack-based nature of code execution.

This circuit ensures the correct ordering of the following:

  • note_hashes
  • nullifiers
  • storage_reads
  • storage_writes
  • ordered_unencrypted_log_hashes
  1. For note_hashes, nullifiers, and ordered_unencrypted_log_hashes, they undergo the same process as outlined in the tail private kernel circuit. With the exception that the loop starts from index offset + i, where offset is the number of non-zero values in the note_hashes and nullifiers arrays within private_inputs.previous_kernel.public_inputs.accumulated_data.

  2. For storage_reads, an ordered_storage_reads and storage_read_hints are provided as hints through private_inputs. This circuit checks that:

    For each read at index i in storage_reads[i], the associated mapped_read is at ordered_storage_reads[storage_read_hints[i]].

    • If read.is_empty() == false, verify that:
      • All values in read align with those in mapped_read:
        • read.contract_address == mapped_read.contract_address
        • read.storage_slot == mapped_read.storage_slot
        • read.value == mapped_read.value
        • read.counter == mapped_read.counter
      • If i > 0, verify that:
        • mapped_read[i].counter > mapped_read[i - 1].counter
    • Else:
      • All the subsequent reads (index >= i) in both storage_reads and ordered_storage_reads must be empty.
  3. For storage_writes, an ordered_storage_writes and storage_write_hints are provided as hints through private_inputs. The verification is the same as the process for storage_reads.

Verifying public data snaps.

The public_data_snaps is provided through private_inputs, serving as hints for storage_reads to prove that the value in the tree aligns with the read operation. For storage_writes, it substantiates the presence or absence of the storage slot in the public data tree.

A public_data_snap contains:

  • A storage_slot and its value.
  • An override_counter, indicating the counter of the first storage_write that writes to the storage slot. Zero if the storage slot is not written in this transaction.
  • A flag exists indicating its presence or absence in the public data tree.

This circuit ensures the uniqueness of each snap in public_data_snaps. It verifies that:

For each snap at index i, where i > 0:

  • If snap.is_empty() == false
    • snap.storage_slot > public_data_snaps[i - 1].storage_slot

It is crucial for each snap to be unique, as duplicated snaps would disrupt a group of writes for the same storage slot. This could enable the unauthorized act of reading the old value after it has been updated.

Grouping storage writes.

To facilitate the verification of storage_reads and streamline storage_writes, it is imperative to establish connections between writes targeting the same storage slot. Furthermore, the first write in a group must be linked to a public_data_snap, ensuring the dataset has progressed from the right initial state.

A new field, prev_counter, is incorporated to the ordered_storage_writes to indicate whether each write has a preceding snap or write. Another field, exists, is also added to signify the presence or absence of the storage slot in the tree.

  1. For each snap at index i in public_data_snaps:

    • Skip the remaining steps if it is empty or if its override_counter is 0.
    • Locate the write at ordered_storage_writes[storage_write_indices[i]].
    • Verify the following:
      • write.storage_slot == snap.storage_slot
      • write.counter == snap.override_counter
      • write.prev_counter == 0
    • Update the hints in write:
      • write.prev_counter = 1
      • write.exists = snap.exists

    The value 1 can be utilized to signify a preceding snap, as this value can never serve as the counter of a storage_write. Because the counter_start for the first public function call must be 1, the counters for all subsequent side effects should exceed this initial value.

  2. For each write at index i in ordered_storage_writes:

    • Skip the remaining steps if its next_counter is 0.
    • Locate the next_write at ordered_storage_writes[next_storage_write_indices[i]].
    • Verify the following:
      • write.storage_slot == next_write.storage_slot
      • write.next_counter == next_write.counter
      • write.prev_counter == 0
    • Update the hints in next_write:
      • next_write.prev_counter = write.counter
      • next_write.exists = write.exists
  3. Following the previous two steps, verify that all non-empty writes in ordered_storage_writes have a non-zero prev_counter.

Verifying storage reads.

A storage read can be reading:

  • An uninitialized storage slot: the value is zero. There isn't a leaf in the public data tree representing its storage slot, nor in the storage_writes.
  • An existing storage slot: written in a prior successful transaction. The value being read is the value in the public data tree.
  • An updated storage slot: initialized or updated in the current transaction. The value being read is in a storage_write.

For each non-empty read at index i in ordered_storage_reads, it must satisfy one of the following conditions:

  1. If reading an uninitialized or an existing storage slot, the value is in a snap:

    • Locate the snap at public_data_snaps[persistent_read_hints[i]].
    • Verify the following:
      • read.storage_slot == snap.storage_slot
      • read.value == snap.value
      • (read.counter < snap.override_counter) | (snap.override_counter == 0)
    • If snap.exists == false:
      • read.value == 0

    Depending on the value of the exists flag in the snap, verify its presence or absence in the public data tree:

    • If exists is true:
      • It must pass a membership check on the leaf.
    • If exists is false:
      • It must pass a non-membership check on the low leaf. The preimage of the low leaf is at storage_read_low_leaf_preimages[i].

    The (non-)membership checks are executed against the root in old_public_data_tree_snapshot. The membership witnesses for the leaves are in storage_read_membership_witnesses, provided as hints through private_inputs.

  2. If reading an updated storage slot, the value is in a storage_write:

    • Locates the storage_write at ordered_storage_writes[transient_read_hints[i]].
    • Verify the following:
      • read.storage_slot == storage_write.storage_slot
      • read.value == storage_write.value
      • read.counter > storage_write.counter
      • (read.counter < storage_write.next_counter) | (storage_write.next_counter == 0)

    A zero next_counter indicates that the value is not written again in the transaction.

Updating the public data tree.

It updates the public data tree with the values in storage_writes. The latest_root of the tree is old_public_data_tree_snapshot.root.

For each non-empty write at index i in ordered_storage_writes, the circuit processes it base on its type:

  1. Transient write.

    If write.next_counter != 0, the same storage slot is written again by another storage write that occurs later in the same transaction. This transient write can be ignored as the final state of the tree won't be affected by it.

  2. Updating an existing storage slot.

    For a non-transient write (write.next_counter == 0), if write.exists == true, it is updating an existing storage slot. The circuit does the following for such a write:

    • Performs a membership check, where:
      • The leaf if for the existing storage slot.
        • leaf.storage_slot = write.storage_slot
      • The old value is the value in a snap:
        • leaf.value = public_data_snaps[public_data_snap_indices[i]].value
      • The index and the sibling path are in storage_write_membership_witnesses, provided as hints through private_inputs.
      • The root is the latest_root after processing the previous write.
    • Derives the latest_root for the latest_public_data_tree with the updated leaf, where leaf.value = write.value.
  3. Creating a new storage slot.

    For a non-transient write (write.next_counter == 0), if write.exists == false, it is initializing a storage slot. The circuit adds it to a subtree:

    • Perform a membership check on the low leaf in the latest_public_data_tree and in the subtree. One check must succeed.
      • The low leaf preimage is at storage_write_low_leaf_preimages[i].
      • The membership witness for the public data tree is at storage_write_membership_witnesses[i].
      • The membership witness for the subtree is at subtree_membership_witnesses[i].
      • The above are provided as hints through private_inputs.
    • Update the low leaf to point to the new leaf:
      • low_leaf.next_slot = write.storage_slot
      • low_leaf.next_index = old_public_data_tree_snapshot.next_available_leaf_index + number_of_new_leaves
    • If the low leaf is in the latest_public_data_tree, derive the latest_root from the updated low leaf.
    • If the low leaf is in the subtree, derive the subtree_root from the updated low leaf.
    • Append the new leaf to the subtree. Derive the subtree_root.
    • Increment number_of_new_leaves by 1.

The subtree and number_of_new_leaves are initialized to empty and 0 at the beginning of the process.

After all the storage writes are processed:

  • Batch insert the subtree to the public data tree.
    • The insertion index is old_public_data_tree_snapshot.next_available_leaf_index.
  • Verify the following:
    • latest_root == new_public_data_tree_snapshot.root
    • new_public_data_tree_snapshot.next_available_leaf_index == old_public_data_tree_snapshot.next_available_leaf_index + number_of_new_leaves

Validating Public Inputs

Verifying the accumulated data.

  1. The following must align with the results after siloing, as verified in a previous step:

    • l2_to_l1_messages
  2. The following must align with the results after ordering, as verified in a previous step:

    • note_hashes
    • nullifiers
  3. The hashes and lengths for unencrypted logs are accumulated as follows:

    Initialize accumulated_logs_hash to be the unencrypted_logs_hash within private_inputs.previous_kernel.[public_inputs].accumulated_data.

    For each non-empty log_hash at index i in ordered_unencrypted_log_hashes, which is provided as hints, and the ordering was verified against the siloed hashes in previous steps:

    • accumulated_logs_hash = hash(accumulated_logs_hash, log_hash.hash)
    • accumulated_logs_length += log_hash.length

    Check the values in the public_inputs are correct:

    • unencrypted_logs_hash == accumulated_logs_hash
    • unencrypted_log_preimages_length == accumulated_logs_length
  4. The following is referenced and verified in a previous step:

    • old_public_data_tree_snapshot
    • new_public_data_tree_snapshot

Verifying the transient accumulated data.

It ensures that the transient accumulated data is empty.

Verifying the constant data.

This section follows the same process as outlined in the inner private kernel circuit.



public_inputsPublicKernelPublicInputsPublic inputs of the proof.
proofProofProof of the kernel circuit.
vkVerificationKeyVerification key of the kernel circuit.
membership_witnessMembershipWitnessMembership witness for the verification key.


Data that aids in the verifications carried out in this circuit:

note_hash_indices[field; C]Indices of note_hashes for note_hash_contexts. C equals the length of note_hashes.
note_hash_hints[field; C]Indices of note_hash_contexts for ordered note_hashes. C equals the length of note_hash_contexts.
nullifier_hints[field; C]Indices of nullifier_contexts for ordered nullifiers. C equals the length of nullifier_contexts.
ordered_unencrypted_log_hashes[field; C]Ordered unencrypted_log_hashes. C equals the length of unencrypted_log_hashes.
unencrypted_log_hash_hints[field; C]Indices of ordered_unencrypted_log_hashes for unencrypted_log_hash_contexts. C equals the length of unencrypted_log_hash_contexts.
ordered_storage_reads[StorageReadContext; C]Ordered storage_reads. C equals the length of storage_reads.
storage_read_hints[field; C]Indices of reads for ordered_storage_reads. C equals the length of storage_reads.
ordered_storage_writes[StorageWriteContext; C]Ordered storage_writes. C equals the length of storage_writes.
storage_write_hints[field; C]Indices of writes for ordered_storage_writes. C equals the length of storage_writes.
public_data_snaps[PublicDataSnap; C]Data that aids verification of storage reads and writes. C equals the length of ordered_storage_writes + ordered_storage_reads.
storage_write_indices[field; C]Indices of ordered_storage_writes for public_data_snaps. C equals the length of public_data_snaps.
transient_read_hints[field; C]Indices of ordered_storage_writes for transient reads. C equals the length of ordered_storage_reads.
persistent_read_hints[field; C]Indices of ordered_storage_writes for persistent reads. C equals the length of ordered_storage_reads.
public_data_snap_indices[field; C]Indices of public_data_snaps for persistent write. C equals the length of ordered_storage_writes.
storage_read_low_leaf_preimages[PublicDataLeafPreimage; C]Preimages for public data leaf. C equals the length of ordered_storage_writes.
storage_read_membership_witnesses[MembershipWitness; C]Membership witnesses for persistent reads. C equals the length of ordered_storage_writes.
storage_write_low_leaf_preimages[PublicDataLeafPreimage; C]Preimages for public data. C equals the length of ordered_storage_writes.
storage_write_membership_witnesses[MembershipWitness; C]Membership witnesses for public data tree. C equals the length of ordered_storage_writes.
subtree_membership_witnesses[MembershipWitness; C]Membership witnesses for the public data subtree. C equals the length of ordered_storage_writes.

Public Inputs

old_public_data_tree_snapshot[TreeSnapshot]Snapshot of the public data tree prior to this transaction.
new_public_data_tree_snapshot[TreeSnapshot]Snapshot of the public data tree after this transaction.


These are constants that remain the same throughout the entire transaction. Its format aligns with the ConstantData of the initial private kernel circuit.


Data accumulated during the execution of the transaction.

note_hashes[field; C]Note hashes created in the transaction.
nullifiers[field; C]Nullifiers created in the transaction.
l2_to_l1_messages[field; C]L2-to-L1 messages created in the transaction.
unencrypted_logs_hashfieldHash of the accumulated unencrypted logs.
unencrypted_log_preimages_lengthfieldLength of all unencrypted log preimages.
encrypted_logs_hashfieldHash of the accumulated encrypted logs.
encrypted_log_preimages_lengthfieldLength of all encrypted log preimages.
encrypted_note_preimages_hashfieldHash of the accumulated encrypted note preimages.
encrypted_note_preimages_lengthfieldLength of all encrypted note preimages.
public_call_requests[PublicCallRequestContext; C]Requests to call public functions.

The above Cs represent constants defined by the protocol. Each C might have a different value from the others.


Data accumulated during the execution of the transaction.

note_hashes[field; C]Note hashes created in the transaction.
nullifiers[field; C]Nullifiers created in the transaction.
l2_to_l1_messages[field; C]L2-to-L1 messages created in the transaction.
unencrypted_logs_hashfieldHash of the accumulated unencrypted logs.
unencrypted_log_preimages_lengthfieldLength of all unencrypted log preimages.
encrypted_logs_hashfieldHash of the accumulated encrypted logs.
encrypted_log_preimages_lengthfieldLength of all encrypted log preimages.
encrypted_note_preimages_hashfieldHash of the accumulated encrypted note preimages.
encrypted_note_preimages_lengthfieldLength of all encrypted note preimages.
public_call_requests[PublicCallRequestContext; C]Requests to call public functions.

The above Cs represent constants defined by the protocol. Each C might have a different value from the others.


note_hash_contexts[NoteHashContext; C]Note hashes with extra data aiding verification.
nullifier_contexts[NullifierContext; C]Nullifiers with extra data aiding verification.
l2_to_l1_message_contexts[L2toL1MessageContext; C]L2-to-l1 messages with extra data aiding verification.
storage_reads[StorageRead; C]Reads of the public data.
storage_writes[StorageWrite; C]Writes of the public data.

The above Cs represent constants defined by the protocol. Each C might have a different value from the others.



rootfieldRoot of the tree.
next_available_leaf_indexfieldThe index to insert new value to.


contract_addressAztecAddressAddress of the contract.
storage_slotfieldStorage slot.
valuefieldValue read from the storage slot.
counteru32Counter at which the read happened.


contract_addressAztecAddressAddress of the contract.
storage_slotfieldStorage slot.
valuefieldNew value written to the storage slot.
counteru32Counter at which the write happened.


contract_addressAztecAddressAddress of the contract.
storage_slotfieldStorage slot.
valuefieldValue read from the storage slot.
counteru32Counter at which the read happened.


contract_addressAztecAddressAddress of the contract.
storage_slotfieldStorage slot.
valuefieldNew value written to the storage slot.
counteru32Counter at which the write happened.
prev_counterfieldCounter of the previous write to the storage slot.
next_counterfieldCounter of the next write to the storage slot.
existsboolA flag indicating whether the storage slot is in the public data tree.


storage_slotfieldStorage slot.
valuefieldValue of the storage slot.
override_counterfieldCounter at which the storage_slot is first written in the transaction.
existsboolA flag indicating whether the storage slot is in the public data tree.


storage_slotfieldStorage slot.
valuefieldValue of the storage slot.
next_slotfieldStorage slot of the next leaf.
next_indexfieldIndex of the next leaf.


call_stack_item_hashfieldHash of the call stack item.
counteru32Counter at which the request was made.
caller_contract_addressAztecAddressAddress of the contract calling the function.
caller_contextCallerContextContext of the contract calling the function.